Skeletons in the Cloud streaming everywhere now!

My new album Skeleton in the Cloud is streaming on every music streaming platform now.

The distribution process went rapidly faster than last time, 3 days, as opposed to a few weeks for my last release. Gotta be happy about that!

Additionally, I was finally verified by Spotify! This is awesome. What this means, aside from getting a Blue tick, is I can directly manage my artist profile on Spotify using Spotify for Artists. I can update information instantly, change my image, upload Canvas videos, and have access to really deep analytics about where my music is played and what else they’re listening too. Apparently even a summary of playlists my tracks have been added too. I still need to publish music through a distributor who send it off to all streaming platforms and do the administration and royalty collection. But the best thing about it is being able to change my artist image avatar. I was stuck with the cover image for my single release Potato aka Potato Man and it was really bothering me because it’s not on brand at all. Without verification and Spotify for Artists, all the information is automatically generated via the distributor with releases. Because Potato was my first release as a single, the cover image became my artist/band image. The only way to change it is to get verified.

That process was not a clear one and I’ve been trying on and off for about a year, rejected many times, but finally I thought to email the team responsible and explain my case and sure enough I was approved. These issues are not really a thing for artists who are signed to labels and have management teams and are members of recording industry associations, but I am not, I’m only small and independent. Maybe one day if it makes sense.

Please have a listen to Skeletons in the Cloud and read the liner notes and production journal here.

More music coming 2023!

I am planning to release 3 or 4 more albums starting December 2022 and through 2023.

These are 90% unreleased back catalogue works I was never satisfied with and didn’t consider finished. However, it’s time to let go of perfection and accept them as they are as finished.


Gshkomina ⫽ɡəʃˌkɒmɪnə⫽ is my word. It vaguely means excitement and seeing potential, but it’s more visceral than that. I started saying it repeatedly and absent-mindedly during composing and production sessions of various tracks.

The concept for this album will be music I am most proud of and the more recent productions.

Skeletons In The Cloud

The concept for this album is a play on words of skeletons in the closet and the data we leave on the Internet in the cloud. The music here will be fairly unpolished and a little cringey but music I spend a significant amount of time working on and can’t let go, but also cannot work on anymore, either from losing interest or losing the project files.

Lost Project Files

The title here is very obvious and straight forward, though I am not totally happy with it. If I can find another word or short phrase that means the same thing I might use it.

Essentially, this music will be the least polished and some of the oldest music I have made which I have completely lost the project files for. This release may turn out to be quite a bit of work as most of the audio may not be fit for release, (too quiet, too loud, clipping etc). I may have to do some tedious mastering and fixing. But sticking to goal of leaving things be, and not striving for perfection. It will be a balance of improvement enough for release fitness and keeping the original vibe.

BangDroid – The Worst Of

This is a maybe. The idea here is the opposite of how most artists have a Best Of album containing the most popular or favorite music. If released, it will be an EP maybe 5 tracks and mostly terrible almost unlistenable. Okay, maybe not that bad but certainly nothing I am very proud of. Again, it may turn out to be a bit of work getting the audio fit for release.

All of the music I make comes from an original seed idea. Sometimes it’s a tune or a beat in my head, sometimes it’s a production concept I want to experiment with, sometimes I may try to replicate a certain sound, but they all come from very simple beginnings. Sometimes they turn out to be turds. Turds that should have been flushed, and occasionally you get emotionally invested in the idea of a project and keep working on it. The Worst Of will be just that.